Re: Radius Logfile

John Storms (
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 08:09:31 -0700

At 02:37 AM 7/13/97 -0500, Aaron (Zim) wrote:
>somehow mine stopped making a radius logfile.. i can't find in the manual
>where it says how to set it up, and i downloaded 2.0, and 2.01 seeing if it
>mentioned it in there.. how do i get it to make a radius logfile again?
>ie.. same output as radiusd -x

radiusd -x -l /etc/raddb/logfile

Will create/append to the "/etc/raddb/logfile" and send all debugging info
to it as well. Note that this file will grow very quickly as all
authentication and accounting information will be logged. This is good for
debugging, but for day to day operations I would not use the -x option.

radiusd -l /etc/raddb/logfile

Diplomacy:  The art of saying good doggie
while seaching for a big rock.