Re: b20 on PM3

John Storms (
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 07:50:47 -0700

At 12:29 AM 7/11/97 +0200, Andrea wrote:
>I read something about somebody having problems during the upgrade to b20
>on PM3. I tried this last week, and after the upgrade I couldn't boot
>anymore, because I kept getting a message about a wrong checksum on the
>Flash. What's happening?

Sounds like the image you loaded on was corrupt, or something corrupted the
image as it was loaded onto your PortMaster or the transfer was
interrupted. The next thing you will need to do is to netboot the
PortMaster (booting from an image rather than from the flash on the
PortMaster) and then attempt another upgrade. There are technical notes on
how to do netboots on our homepage at and feel free to
contact our support dept. at 1-800-458-9966.

Diplomacy:  The art of saying good doggie
while seaching for a big rock.