Re: NT/PM weirdness

Kyle Platts (
Tue, 15 Jul 97 11:46:25 -0500

>Pardon me if this isn't PM specific, but has anyone seen this?

I have.

>We've got a dialup customer, who is running WinNT Workstation. =
When he
dials into our POP, using a Livingston PM2, he gets an error =

>Error 720: No PPP protocols configured

MS says that this is caused by not having a protocol installed. I =
disagree with this. I ran into this exact same error with the =
Steelhead routing software and was never given a resolution from =
MS on it. I had to remove steelhead and the RAS services from my =
machine and re-install them. I would suggest this customer remove =
RAS, re-boot, and re-install RAS on the machine.

>Authentication is all fine, have watched the output of radiusd =
-x. He gets
dropped right after auth. Now, the funny part is, he says when he =
another local ISP who is using USR equipment, he connects fine. =
anyone? =20

This is really weird. I don't have an answer for this.

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services