Re: NT/PM weirdness

David Davies (
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 14:01:52 -0400

>We've got a dialup customer, who is running WinNT Workstation. When he
dials into our POP, using a Livingston PM2, he gets an error message:

>Error 720: No PPP protocols configured

MS says that this is caused by not having a protocol installed. I disagree
with this. I ran into this exact same error with the Steelhead routing
software and was never given a resolution from MS on it. I had to remove
steelhead and the RAS services from my machine and re-install them. I would
suggest this customer remove RAS, re-boot, and re-install RAS on the

>Authentication is all fine, have watched the output of radiusd -x. He
dropped right after auth. Now, the funny part is, he says when he calls
another local ISP who is using USR equipment, he connects fine. Ideas,

We saw this with the Steelhead software also, have also seen this when the
password encryption is not set correctly. Strange thingis that we can't
nail down a pattern for the encryption. Almost everytime if you choose the
one that's not currently picked and try again things seem to fly O.K.

I've only seen the "No PPP protocols" withthe steelhead version running
though, most other times the client just doesn't authenticate.

Who knows.....

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."