I-modem on port C0

Tue, 15 Jul 1997 13:23:47 -0400 (EDT)

I'm setting up an I-modem on a PM2e-101u ISDN (I think thats what it's
called) on port C0. It has ComOS 3.3.3 on it.

All the lights are good on the I-modem so I think the ISDN is OK, but when I
call in, I connect, but no data goes to the portmaster. I can "attach" to C0
and do things with the modem:

2xcaffeine> at c0
Trying ...
Connected - Escape character is '^]'.

When I dial in from my notebook with telix over a regular phone line
(I have telix set for 9600 always, it's only for text, is that ok?):


(I do a +++ and it hangs up, nothing else has any effect)

Here's my config in the portmaster. The Framing errors were likely caused by
me disconnecting the modem cable and plugging in a new one.

2xcaffeine> sh c0
----------------------- Current Status - Port C0 ---------------------------
Input: 13733 Parity Errors: 0
Output: 681 Framing Errors: 2558
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
Modem Status: DCD- CTS+

Active Configuration Default Configuration
-------------------- ---------------------
Port Type: Device Login/Netwrk (Dial In) (Security)
Baud Rates: 115200 115200,115200,115200
Parity: none none
Flow Control: RTS/CTS RTS/CTS
Modem Control: off on

Terminal Type:
Dial Group: 0

In theory, it should be able to handle X2, and V.everything incoming calls,
as voice use options are on the ISDN lines (DOV works on the other incoming
lines on the ISDN board in the portmaster)

Any other got X2 working on Portmasters and I-modems?
Next step is to try another I-modem, and call USR.

I'd be tempted to get a PM3, but PRI is two to three times more expensive
than our BRI access options.


Jason Philbrook         |         Midcoast Internet Solutions
jp@midcoast.com         |     Internet Access, LAN, WAN, and Linux
www.midcoast.com/jp/    |   Service and Consulting for Midcoast Maine