Re: NT/PM weirdness

John Storms (
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 08:46:42 -0700

At 08:22 AM 7/15/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Pardon me if this isn't PM specific, but has anyone seen this?
>We've got a dialup customer, who is running WinNT Workstation. When he
>dials into our POP, using a Livingston PM2, he gets an error message:
>Error 720: No PPP protocols configured

PPP negotiation usually happens in 3 parts.
1) Line Control Protocol (LCP)
2) Authentication (PAP or CHAP)
3) Network Control Protocols (NCPs)
- etc.

It sounds like the NT workstation didn't try to negotiate and NCPs.

On your PortMaster set up a debug to watch the PPP negotiation.

set console
set debug 0x51

There is a decoder tool on Livingston's web site.
>Authentication is all fine, have watched the output of radiusd -x. He gets
>dropped right after auth. Now, the funny part is, he says when he calls
>another local ISP who is using USR equipment, he connects fine. Ideas,

Diplomacy:  The art of saying good doggie
while seaching for a big rock.