Re: BGP (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 16:47:30 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Robert Hanson shaped the electrons to say...
>and until a solution is provided that allows one to know how hard their
>irx is being pounded with 2 full ds1's running bgp, many irx's will be
>used as low load non mission critical routers or as doorstops...

And many will be used as gateway routers and other mission critical needs -
MOST of them in fact.

If a few people don't like them, fine - but most users are quite happy and
very, very, very few customers have ever asked for CPU monitoring. Most that
I talk to don't even know other units have it in the first place.

As always - no one is making anyone buy IRX units if they don't like them.
Plenty of people do, and use them daily - there are already sites using IRX
routers as their BGP feed units happily.


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