Re: BGP (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 15:29:37 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Tom Samplonius shaped the electrons to say...
> Sure, except for the modem code, the telco signalling, and the IRX sync
>performance problems (perhaps fixed in b17). Not a great track record.
>But not any worse than anybody else.

Actually I think it is better that MANY other vendors.

Seriously - step back and look at how many areas we've had real problems in,
and how many different bugs have been discussed. It is really a limitied
number of areas - basically what you named. (BTW, I've been told by many
customers that b17 did fix their sync issues. If anyone still has problems
be SURE to report them to support PLEASE.)

Now look at other vendors and the streams of problems, release of the week
(or day) which fixes one thing and breaks others, *serious* bugs that let
people remotely reboot units, etc.

In my experience in my last job, and with friends throughout the industry
with whom I compare notes, Livingston has a *small* bug list, and generally
responds to them immediately.

The modem code has been a bitch - I'm not happy either. As the most visible
person to the public on these lists, and a slew of industry lists and
newsgroups, I get beaten up for it daily - in public. And out field reps
and support people don't have a picnic either. This is probably the biggest
issue I've seen in my nearly 2 years (time flies eh?) at Livingston, but I
can see the end of the tunnel and it will be great to have that over and
done with.

> There are also the stability issues with the PM3. I have had far to
>many PM3s lock up, or just freak out, and require a power cycle.

I believe you've told support about these, I would expect you had. I don't
know what to say about that, since I have other people telling me the PM-3
is the most stable thing they've ever seen. *shrug* A lot of the telco
signalling issues were like that - 99% of people are loving it, 1% are in
hell. We keep eliminating fringe cases and making it better, that's all we
can do.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
Phone: 800-458-9966 510-737-2100 FAX: 510-737-2110
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Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588