Re: Slot overkill in PM3

Doctor Padds (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 19:39:45 +0100 (BST)

> Otay, I have a question about the PM3. It has 6 slots and can house up to
> 60 modems. Of course, you can only get a max of 48 modems in there fully
> utilized because of the fact that 2 chan. T1 lines gives your 48 dialins.
> So why all that extra capacity? Would you really need to have 12 extra
> modems in the chassis for getting stuck (if that ever happens) or if they
> go bad? This really seems like overkill.

Because people like us here in the UK have 30 channels and not 23 :)

Therefore 6 10 port modem cards gives us 60 modems open to use on the
two PRI's



________________________ Internet Discovery Ltd \ Jonathan O'Connor, Technical Director Phone: (0181) 694 2240 \ Fax: (0181) 694 8926 \ Back in the UK for now :) JO178 \___________________________________________