Slot overkill in PM3

Chris Magnuson (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 12:19:58 -0600

Otay, I have a question about the PM3. It has 6 slots and can house up to
60 modems. Of course, you can only get a max of 48 modems in there fully
utilized because of the fact that 2 chan. T1 lines gives your 48 dialins.

So why all that extra capacity? Would you really need to have 12 extra
modems in the chassis for getting stuck (if that ever happens) or if they
go bad? This really seems like overkill.

I'm filling our PM3's with 8-modem cards, but thought I'd ask about this.
What would make you want to use the 10-modem cards? Are there some planned
upgrades happening soon that will make 10-modem cards the easy choise to
free more slots for other things? If so, what?

Any info appreciated before I lease a ton of new 8-modem cards.

Chris Magnuson