Re: Slot overkill in PM3

Adrian Carter (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 03:33:06 +1000

At 12:19 10/07/97 -0600, Chris Magnuson wrote:
>Otay, I have a question about the PM3. It has 6 slots and can house up to
>60 modems. Of course, you can only get a max of 48 modems in there fully
>utilized because of the fact that 2 chan. T1 lines gives your 48 dialins.
>So why all that extra capacity? Would you really need to have 12 extra
>modems in the chassis for getting stuck (if that ever happens) or if they
>go bad? This really seems like overkill.

Simple. In the US, a T1 = 26 Channels. In other countries that support the
E1 standard, we have 30 Channels. Thats why a E1 does 1984Kbps and a T1
only does 1664Kps (correct my fiugres if they are wrong.. its late here =) ).

This means that I can fully populate my PM3 with 60 Modems (as I have done)
and plug it into 2 E1 PRI's, and voila... 60 Modems.

>I'm filling our PM3's with 8-modem cards, but thought I'd ask about this.
>What would make you want to use the 10-modem cards? Are there some planned
>upgrades happening soon that will make 10-modem cards the easy choise to
>free more slots for other things? If so, what?

Dont know whats happening once the 56FLex Hardware Upgrade comes out.

>Any info appreciated before I lease a ton of new 8-modem cards.

Go 8 Modem cards... in teh US I dont see any point using 10 Modem cards in
a PM3 *UNLESS* theres some trick to T1's I dont know about =)

>Chris Magnuson

*Adrian Carter                                	Email:	*
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