Settings changing.

Mike Pistone (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 11:46:54 -0400 (EDT)

Here is my problem.

I have 1 POP site that started acting strange yesterday.
W95 users would get the standard W95 DUN messages and not be able to
connect (compat set of net protpcols.... dns not found.... etc)
All of these people could connect fine before yesterday.
When I check their settings they have no gateway and no dns.

Obviously the portmaster WAS supplying they with the info the DUN needed
but why would it stop? Nothing was changed on the portmaster. All of
our other sites are fine.... just this one.

the PM is a 2-ER comos 3.5b17 4megs of ram. It was comos 3.5 but I
upgraded when the problems started to see if that would help.

Any ideas? W31 and all other OS's are perfectly fine. Just W95....


Mike Pistone
Systems/Network Administrator ph 614.593-5052
Eureka Networks, Ltd. fx 614.594-3632