3.5.1b20 and RADIUS authentication

Tim Moloney (moloney@netsrq.com)
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 11:57:20 -0400 (EDT)

On 10-Jul-97 Luther D. Keal wrote:

>On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Jukka Pakkanen wrote:
>> Also, with b17 and b20, both green and red LEDīd are
>> on in the Line0 and Line1, why is that? The unit is
>> working all right (except the modem code...).
>I'm also running b20 and had to install 3 times before I got it right.
>The first two times I also noticed red and green LEDs on the CT1. Sounds
>like perhaps you got a bad install.

I saw the same thing when I upgraded to b20. I power cycled the box
and everything came up normal.

Another thing I've noticed after the upgrade to b20 is that all of my
RADIUS accounting packets are coming back with a

Request-Authenticator = Unverified

I double-checked my secret and clients file and everything matches.
Has anyone else noticed this?

_____ ___ ___ ___
(_ _)( )( \/ ) Tim Moloney Think of something
) ( ) ( ) ( moloney@netsrq.com witty and imagine it
(___) (___)(__)\/(__) Sarasota, Florida was written here.