Re: NT routing

John Storms (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 08:04:37 -0700

At 07:11 AM 7/10/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I have posted a couple of questions on NT routing to the list with little
>to no reply. Let me tell you what I am doing.
>I have a pm2er with LAN address netmask
>so I am using half of a class C.
>Now I route an NT off of that box using an address off my ethernet
>as the NT's WAN address, for example
>This routes to a subnet
>Is this legal?


** Why? **
The reason is that in the example you describe above you have three networks.
1 - The ethernet connected to the PM2eR
2 - The ethernet connected to the NT
3 - The WAN between the PM2eR and the NT

It is not legal to use an IP address from one subnet (the ethernet you're
pm2er is connected to) and use that address on/for another network (in this
case your WAN network).

You gave the NT's WAN port and address of which falls in the
range of network (IP range of .1 - .126). So when the
ethernet interface and the WAN interface both establish the PortMaster will
have two interfaces belonging to the subnet. The PortMaster
must choose one of the interfaces to router out of and since
the newest interface wins this race the IP network will be
routed through the WAN interface and your routing will be blown out of the

*** How to fix ***
You have two options:
1. Make the WAN a point-to-point (PTP) un-numbered connection.
2. Give the WAN connection its own IP subnet.

1. Make the WAN a point-to-point (PTP) un-numbered connection.
In this case NO ip address are used on the WAN ports. Each WAN port points
to the other router's ethernet address. This works well when using one
type of gear. Mix vendors, such as Livingston and NT, and your milage may
vary. There is a technote at that goes into detail on
this sort of configuraton.

2. Give the WAN connection its own IP subnet.
This case would be a PTP numbered connections meaning that the WAN
connection has its own unique IP subnet and the WAN ports of both routers
have an IP address that are members of that unique subnet.

For example, I could say that is the IP subnet that I
choose for this link.
* This IP Subnet has a network address of .96
* This IP Subnet has two usable IP addresses .97 and .98 (we only need two
* This IP Subnet has a broadcast address of .99

I give the WAN interface on the PortMaster and address of .97.
I give the WAN interface on the NT and address of .98.

Now, if I wanted to create a 2nd WAN connection to this PortMaster to a
different NT box then I would need to use another, different, unique IP
subnet for that link such as (IP addresses .101 and .102)
since I can't cross IP Subnets accross different networks.

If the routers themselves do not have to access the Internet you can use an
IP subnet from that has been set aside for internal use.
Any packet "orginating" from the router cannot be routed on the Internet
since the IP address can only be used Internally. Packets "orginating"
from a valid IP address will be forwarded just find. Most routers only
need to forward packets one hop in any direction. I suspect that your NT
boxes are used for surfing and other things other than just packet
forwarding so this may not be for you.
net=.0; range=.1-.126; broadcast=.126 |
==========ethernet== | Network 1
| -+
| e0 |
| PM2eR |
| wan |
+---------------+ -+
|\ |
| WAN network: |
| net=.96; range=.97-.98; |
| broadcast=.99 | Network 3
|/ |
+---------------+ |
| wan | -+
| MS-NT |
| ether |
+---------------+ -+
| |
==========ethernet== | Network 2
net=.160; range=.161-.190; broadcast=.191 |

Diplomacy:  The art of saying good doggie
while seaching for a big rock.