Re: 3.5.1b20

Luther D. Keal (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 07:11:08 -0700 (PDT)

I'm also running b20 and had to install 3 times before I got it right.
The first two times I also noticed red and green LEDs on the CT1. Sounds
like perhaps you got a bad install.

I was running b16 before and I've noticed a small improvement. We seem to
be having better success with Winmodems which are or have been our only
problem (other than winmodem clones).

Dave Keal

On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Jukka Pakkanen wrote:

> We tried the new b20 code in our PM3. Connection rate
> dropped from 3.5c6 =B4s 95% to 80%... not good. About the
> same result we got when we tested the b17 few weeks ago.
> Also, with b17 and b20, both green and red LED=B4d are
> on in the Line0 and Line1, why is that? The unit is
> working all right (except the modem code...).
> Jukka