NT routing

Don Carney (dcarney@mercury.hypersurf.com)
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 07:11:43 -0700 (PDT)

I have posted a couple of questions on NT routing to the list with little
to no reply. Let me tell you what I am doing.
I have a pm2er with LAN address netmask
so I am using half of a class C.
Now I route an NT off of that box using an address off my ethernet
as the NT's WAN address, for example
This routes to a subnet

Is this legal?
I have this working in 2 locations, but am having problems in a 3rd
location. Livingston says its improper routing.
So instead of using the LAN address I tried using a totally different
address as the NT's WAN address say for
example. This also causes problems with the box.

What happens is the NT calls in and creates its routes.
Then next caller calls in and is allocated the same ptp that the NT is on,
so if I do a sh ro, I see the 2 routes that the NT had moved to ether0,
and the new caller has his routes going to ptp21, which is the connection
for the NT. Doent make sense , does it?
If anyone has seen this problem, please let me know.
