Re: Mixed radius servers?? (Anyone know)

Adrian Carter (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 12:34:54 +1000

At 20:48 9/07/97 -0400, Howard Leadmon wrote:
> So here is the real question. Can I upgrade my authentication servers to
>the new 2.0.1 code, yet still allow the PM's (we have PM2's and PM3's) to
>report the accounting data back to the 1.16 servers?? If so this will make
>life easier as I can make it a two-step process. Just not sure if having
>authentication on 2.x will cause trouble for a 1.x server recording

I was backed into a situation about 2 months ago before I got my PM3 to use
Meritt Realms (i.e, @something after the username). We went threw the
technical nightmare telling users how to move the mouse to the Username
section in Win95 (its hard with some! =) ). Anyway, when I got the PM3 I
wanted to use the Livingston Radius for Accounting so I could parse the
accounting files with some ease and have all the stuff like Connect-Info.
It all works fine and dandy, the only problem is I couldnt get Multi-Link
PPP to work from Meritt, I had to use a local user entry on the PM3.



> Has anyone done this?? Livingston, will this work??
>Internet : | Howard D. Leadmon
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>PHONE : (410)-361-8160 | 200 E. Lexington Street
>FAX : (410)-361-8162 | Suite-1602
>PACKET : WB3FFV @ WB3FFV.MD.USA.NA | Baltimore, MD 21202
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*Adrian Carter                                	Email:	*
*Network Administrator	 	              URL:	*
*The Asia Pacific Internet Company Pty Ltd	Autoresp:	*
*  All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors.  *
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