Re: PM3 Connections

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Wed, 09 Jul 1997 19:34:19 -0700

Howard Leadmon wrote:
> > *pout* I want ISDN!! But, our area, being in the mountain, doesn't have
> > enough cable pairs ..... hope something works out!
> ISDN rous over hte exact same pair count (1 pair) as regular POTS service.
> Considering you basically get two lines over one pair, it's more pair
> efficient than POTS. So thats no excuse for not having ISDN.. :)

Except for a *LONG* list of problems:

1) Local CO doesn't support ISDN.

2) Your connection is via pair gain, SLC96, or other MUX tehcnology.

3) You are two far from your local C0 (something like 6.8 cable miles
is the limit).

This person's problem is most likely #2, since he mentioned cable pairs.
Usually is remote areas (like mountains), they will use somthing like a
SLC96 to get 96 POTS from two copper lines. You loose significant
(atleast to modems) bandwitdh from this, also.

Dale E. Reed Jr.  (
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