Re: Mixed radius servers?? (Anyone know)

Kevin Fink (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 20:11:02 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Howard Leadmon wrote:

> Well our accounting and billing software vendor tells us that the record
> formats for 1.x radius, and 2.x radius are different, and requires different
> parsers or it will mess up the accounting data. So now the conversion has
> to be synchronized with the accounting software to avoid trouble. I didn't
> realize that the 2.0 had a different format, so go figure..

2.0 doesn't have a different format. There are some additional keys which
may be logged, but the basic format is identical. Unless their parsing
routines are REALLY lame, they should be able to handle 2.x RADIUS
accounting logs just fine. Any decent parser will just ignore anything it
doesn't understand...


Kevin Fink <> N2H2, Creators of Bess 1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1501 Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 971-1400 VOICE (206) 971-1460 FAX (206) 680-7666 PAGER