Re: PM3 Connections

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 01:28:58 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Charles Scott wrote:

> Aaron:
> We've seen the same thing, but I've also noticed that the connections
> are more reliable. I wonder if the pm3 is more conservative at
> establishing connections than our prior analog modems. A problem in
> evaluating this however is that we didn't get good information from our
> prior dial-in equipment as to what the users eventually would handshake
> down to.
> I really wish that the users system would report the current
> connection rate rather than the initial connection rate because we are
> always getting complaints that the users get higher speed connections to
> other providers. In fact the information they have is meaningless.
> But, that's a lost cause now.

sho ses
sho all
sho mX (X modem number...)
sho mo

I use that as quick overviews... the sh(ow) mX is nice in that it show
bidirectional... 8( but only one modem at a time...

Again, throughput tests and seat of the pants experience seems to be more
important than some meaningless number....

'hey, i got 115200!' .. ;)

Many of our users said it 'feels' faster... *shrug* I can't compare it
anymore having gone fully PM3...

Aloha from Paradise,
