Re: MZ must be on vacation (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 03:33:51 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Sherwood Portmaster-List shaped the electrons to say...
>I think we need to ask for some footer information to be added to each
>mail... Like how to contact the list manager... no matter where he's
>located hehe

Once the new majordomo is configured I think I might do just that - I have
headers and footers on the lists I run for play. Just a couple of lines.
The lists are growing, and not everyone is as technically saavy, or
experienced with mailing lists, as they were 2 years ago when I took over.

>Last I remember MZ was going to do security at ANIMECON... *shrug*

Anime Expo actually - AnimeCon was a completely different beast back in 1991.
;-) I'm the security department head, three years running now.

But one thing - when the list is looping like that: DO NOT EMAIL THE LIST.

If everyone holds off, and emails/calls Livingston, it will be fixed and
mailboxes won't explode.



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