Filters/load (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 03:29:15 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Chris Adams shaped the electrons to say...
>What kind of load do filters put on a PM3? We have a customer that

I just answered a question on filters - check that one out.

>My question is: is this practical on the PM3? Also, what about filters
>to prevent spoofing? Is it possible to setup a filter on a dialin port
>so that the only acceptable address traffic across that port is the
>assigned address?

Yes it is practical. Yes they can help prevent spoofing. No you can't
set a filter to use just the user's IP - however:

If you are using dynamically assigned IPs, you can permit just that range.
That GREATLY reduces spoofing problems since all they could spoof is another
pool IP - not a server.

If you are using statically assigned IPs - make them contiguous, and do the
same thing.

There is an open RFE for some manner of keyword that lets you write a filter
that uses that sessions IP. It is one of the ones I would love to see myself.


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