Tom Samplonius (
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 21:35:42 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Dale Babiy wrote:

> apple sauce if I can solve this problem :)). The egress is a Ether

egress? Is Net.Quack lingo now becoming accepted? Gag.... I have
perhaps spent a thousand dollars on reference materials and have never
heard of the term "egress" used in this context, before Net.Quack used it.

BTW, if you have EVER seen the term "egress" used in a networking
reference let me know. I have the 3 volume "Internetworking with TCP/IP"
by Comer & Stevens (which is on the CCIE reading list), and I don't see
this term anywhere.
