Re: Can PM3 issue message after login?

Stephen Fisher (
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 22:26:46 -0600 (MDT)

Try the Reply-Message = " ... ", entry in the Radius user record.

On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Richard Hodges wrote:

> I have had a PM3 almost a week now, and simply love it! We have many
> analog modems in place, though, so our modem pool is "mixed".
> The PM3 accepts PAP just fine, but many of our users have been using
> scripts for our older terminal server. After the login/Password bit,
> the script waits for the word "Async" before going to PPP mode.
> I know the script should be changed, but we have quit a number of
> customers using the older script that wants to see "Async" after the
> login/password prompts.
> Is there a setup command to get the PM3 to issue a message after the
> login and password, just before going PPP?
> When we have replaced our older equipment with nice, shiny PM3 boxes, we
> can go PAP for everything, but right now we have to support scripting
> too.