Re: OR-HS Problems??

Kyle Platts (
Fri, 4 Jul 97 14:46:13 -0500

>They are, they are both Adtran TSUs, one set to internal timing =
on our end
and the other set to network at the remote end. I changed the =
just INT on the TX Clock at both ends, but no change.=20

>It is a full T1, and we have set the channels up to limit it to =
actually it is just supposed to be 128K, but after so much grief, =
upped it to 512K on both ends, so they could at least fly while =
the time
was right.

Why? If you have a full T-1, why don't you use it?

>We are dealing with two different Phone companies on this one, =
and I
suspect some type of incompatability problem somewhere between =
them. A

This is possible, but not likely. With the use of SONET facilities =
it solves these problems.

I think I would need to know more about the circuit design. At the =
T-1 level, all timing is passed through, unless, they run this =
circuit through a DS0 DACS to limit the speed to 128k, then you =
would have to take timing off of the loop on both ends.

>BellSouth tech talked to one of my associates today, and tried to =
lay this
story on him. That the timing of the CSU/DSUs could not be =
trusted, that
we need some super reference, because CSU/DSUs just couldn't do =
it, they
would eventually lose sync, they might stay up for 20 or 30 days =
at a
time, but a good rain and the circuits started drying out, they =
start skipping beats here and there.

This would only happen if you were referencing 2 different clock =

>They ran their standard stress tests, and of course there were no
problems, and after the tests were over, he did notice some =

What kind of glitches? bi-polars, alarms, loss of signal, slips, =
crc's what?

>which he contributed to our CSU/DSU timing, this is starting to =
happen to
another one of our dedicated T1s also. This one was functioning =
for the last 20 or 30 days, but they had some kind of major =
problem the
other day, no denying it, they were in the ditches physically on =
this one,
but ever since we hardly ever stay connected for over 2 or 3 hours =
at a

In the ditches doing what? Fiber work, cable throw, new section, =
what? Need more info.

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services