Re: Changing port during the day

Justin W. Newton (
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 14:16:17 -0700

At 01:27 PM 7/2/97 -0700, Patrick Greenwell wrote:
>On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Justin W. Newton wrote:

>> Boo, what kind of a hacker are you ;)
>Justin, I sit before you humbled and ashamed.... People say telephone and
>I think hardware solution.... Shame on me.
>(cheesy attempt to rectify the situation): Yeah, what Justin said! Expect
>would probably be easiest(IMHO). Huh Justin? Did I do good? ;-)

Whew, I was hoping that we had been on enough lists together that you would
take me picking on you in stride :)

Speaking of which, since we are in the same neck of the woods now, when are
we going to get a beer?

(Read this as an open invitation, I would love to get together with a bunch
of the Bay Area folks)

Justin W. Newton voice: +1-415-482-2840
Senior Network Architect fax: +1-415-482-2844
Director At Large, ISP/C
"The People You Know. The People You Trust."