Re: For those so eager for K56flex to be rushed out the door

Kevin Smith (
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 14:16:37 -0700

At 07:24 PM 7/1/97 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>This is off of the ascend-users mailing list, from a thread on problems with
>their 'K56flex' modems/code.
>>> My question is:
>>> Has anyone fixed the disconnect problems? We're seeing over 92% of our
>>> users disconnect before the first 5 minutes. We're using 5.0ap13

...a configuration error on his part, this was reduced to "normal" levels
after fixing his configuration. Now he is seeing the same connectivity
levels as with the non-K56 modems.

>> Quick Answer : NO
>> Long Answer apparently Ascend is waiting on a new cut of the DSP code
>>for the K56 Cardz. As it is common knowledge user disconnects is
>>a big issue, And I have been working with Ascend (Along with several
>>other people) to get this addressed.
>This is exactly the kind of thing we're trying to avoid by not rushing
>unfinished product out the door.

Hmm... when *do* your BETA trials of K56flex start :)
