Re: Changing port during the day

Patrick Greenwell (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 14:31:37 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Justin W. Newton wrote:

> Whew, I was hoping that we had been on enough lists together that you would
> take me picking on you in stride :)
> Speaking of which, since we are in the same neck of the woods now, when are
> we going to get a beer?

Aww, you said the magic word....

> (Read this as an open invitation, I would love to get together with a bunch
> of the Bay Area folks)

So how bout it folks? Anyone out there up for a bit of beer(or a soft
drink of your choosing for our abstaining friends) and BOF'ing?

Patrick Greenwell (510) 934-2153 voice
Network Administrator (510) 906-1173 fax
European Telecom