Re: Changing port during the day

Patrick Greenwell (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 13:27:17 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Justin W. Newton wrote:

> >> I have a few phone lines that are secondary lines to network connections.
> >> They must be dedicated to that task during the day but during the night I
> >> would like to make them available for dialin purposes. These lines are at
> >> the end of my rotary. I want them to accept dialin calls during the night,
> >> but during the day I need these lines to make connection for the networks
> >> and to be network links only. If the line drops during the day I do not
> >> want these lines to accept a dial in call but want it to reconnect to the
> >> network) I am using the radius users file and a pm2er. Has anyone found
> >> a way to do this is it possible? Thanks for any suggestions in advance
> >
> >Try calling a company that specializes in telephony products. They should
> >have something to do such a thing, or know where to get one.
> Boo, what kind of a hacker are you ;)

Justin, I sit before you humbled and ashamed.... People say telephone and
I think hardware solution.... Shame on me.

(cheesy attempt to rectify the situation): Yeah, what Justin said! Expect
would probably be easiest(IMHO). Huh Justin? Did I do good? ;-)

Patrick Greenwell (510) 934-2153 voice
Network Administrator (510) 906-1173 fax
European Telecom