Re: Changing port during the day

Justin W. Newton (
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 19:59:59 -0700

At 12:01 PM 7/2/97 -0700, Patrick Greenwell wrote:
>On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, James Johnson wrote:
>> I have a few phone lines that are secondary lines to network connections.
>> They must be dedicated to that task during the day but during the night I
>> would like to make them available for dialin purposes. These lines are at
>> the end of my rotary. I want them to accept dialin calls during the night,
>> but during the day I need these lines to make connection for the networks
>> and to be network links only. If the line drops during the day I do not
>> want these lines to accept a dial in call but want it to reconnect to the
>> network) I am using the radius users file and a pm2er. Has anyone found
>> a way to do this is it possible? Thanks for any suggestions in advance
>Try calling a company that specializes in telephony products. They should
>have something to do such a thing, or know where to get one.

Boo, what kind of a hacker are you ;)

Ok, lets try it this way....

Write a script that is run by cron.

At the time when the ports become available for general use, it goes into
the pm, and changes their port type, so that they become available for dial
in, as opposed to dial out.

At the time when the ports become unavailable, change them from dial in to
dial out, and reset the port to kick off whoever is on it.

Of course, I would need to know a little more about your environment to
make certain that this would work.

Justin W. Newton voice: +1-415-482-2840
Senior Network Architect fax: +1-415-482-2844
Director At Large, ISP/C
"The People You Know. The People You Trust."