Re: Livinston or USR

Sherwood Pekelo (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 18:56:59 -1000 (HST)

On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, John Chacon wrote:

> Please forgive me if this is not the proper forum to pose this question,
> but I am new to the business (just beginning) and am torn between buying a
> PM3 and a Total Control. I figured this would be a good place to find out
> why I should invest in a PM3 instead.

Support? Market share? Reliability?

> I hear a lot about X2 and would like to support customers using that
> protocol, but I know the other version is coming too.
> 56K aside, any tips as to why I should go with Livingston over USR?

Livingston is in the top 3 vendors that I use for equipment, well actually
#1! The boxes work well, almost perfectly, still don't have
Bi-directional 33.6Kbps, but that's in the wings. The PM2s are
historically very reliable. Support staff are very knowledgeable. You
have this mail list for assistance. Setup is usually a breeze.

As for X2, you can't support the 60-90% of modems that will have K56Flex

Just a thought...

