Re: PM#

Sherwood Pekelo (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 18:52:19 -1000 (HST)

On Wed, 30 Apr 1997 wrote:

> Well I am about to buy a PM# in a few dayz. What I need to know is if what
> I am going to ask my telco provider is what I get. My Telco provider is
> going to sell me 1/2 a PRI(or 11 usable channels) to start off with, they
> also use a DMS-500 switch. Now, what configuration or anything special do I
> have to ask them for in order to get it to work correctly with the PM3?
> Just wondering if there is anything that the PM# in picky about so it goes
> as smooth as possible.

PM#? hehe okay, I won't tease....much... ;)

Is it a DMS-500 or a DMS-100 switch?

Check out:

for compatible switch types...

Check out:

for provisioning information...

That's the information you need... Next time also provide the Telco name
as someone on the list may already have the 'magic' words needed to smooth
the process to get the order straight.

If possible, contact sales 800.458.9966 at Livingston and ask a rep to
conference call with your telco rep to make sure everything is copacetic

You did check the Livingston site first right? ... 8)

