Re: Livingston support??

Derek Balling (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 22:34:55 -0500

>Not only do they call back in 10 minutes, telnet into your box, see what's
>up and what's wrong, fix it, and explain what was it, they also monitor it
>for several days, and then call you in a couple of weeks to make sure
>everything is working as expected.
>We don't call them just 'cause though, only as a last resort.
>I don't think any cisco would be able to beat that.

I don't know about that... I've had techs from Cisco give me their cel
number and tell me "I'm going to be @ a party in a couple hours, but I'll
have my laptop in my car, give me a call if you have any problems"...

Now THAT's service. ;)

Derek J. Balling | "Every man dies... but not every man | really lives..." | - Mel Gibson, Braveheart