Re: PM3 and X2

Dale Babiy (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 23:35:39 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, John D Cree wrote:

> Perhaps this is so, but I know of several users who have already shifted
> camp so that they can use the X2 capabilities of their modems.
> Constant hangups/disconnects also play a role with users I have spoken with.
> I think the smart ISP will probably want to offer different No.s for
> different protocols.
> Not very practical I know. But given the choice of losing many customers...
> Just my $0.02 worth

Not sure how things are in your market, but up here in the land of the
midnight sun, our telco doesn't have a tariffed rate for T1 Channelized
yet, (and don't even ask about ISDN, PRI or BRI :)), so I think I'll just
sit on the fence till The Powers That Be bless one or the other standard,
then pick the solution that seems most technically valid based on other
points. I only have to fight with the X2 vs 56Kflex problem for the next
6 months, maybe, but I have to deal with the equiptment I decide to go
with for the next 3-5 yrs.

Just my .02$ + GST

Dale Babiy

>From the mind of Dale Babiy. -- Who'd else *want* to take credit for my