Re: NetMedic ?!?

John G. Thompson (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 10:44:45 -0700

At 10:59 AM 4/29/97 -0400, David Davies wrote:
>O.K. maybe I missed something we had our first client call about this
>NetMedic software. They couldn't even tell me who made it or what the heck
>it is. Can anybody tell me how I can find this damn thing so we can look
>at it and officially tell the world, or at least our clients, how big of a
>piece of ..... it is.
>David Davies
>Director, Internet Services
>Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
>"Around the World, through the modem, over the T-1 lines, past the NAP,
>nothing but Net...."

John G. Thompson Livingston Enterprises Inc. Phone: (800) 458-9966
JOAT(MON) 4464 Willow Road Fax: (510)737-2110 Pleasanton, CA 94588
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