Re: T1 cabling (was: Re: What do the db levels Mean)

Jim Browne (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 10:47:04 -0700

"Matthew S. Crocker" <> wrote:
>> Extended circuits close together - you mean like my three T1s that
>> come more than a mile from the CO and enter on the same 100-pair
>> cable?
>Yep, They should have put the TX pair in one binder and the RX pair in
>another. We run our digital circuits (T1, PRI, BRI) on two 50 pair
>shielded cat-5 cable from our Demarc (300 feet away) with all the TX pairs
>on one cable and RX pairs on the other. We currently run 7 T1s on that
>and 25 ISDN lines without problems. Our Demarc is 1500' of brand new
>copper (1200 pair) to a LightSpan and a couple miles of fiber back to the

Just a quick note. What Matthew said is correct for traditional T1's.
T1's run over HDSL using units from PairGain (and others) do not have this
limitation. In Northern CA, PacBell uses a lot of PairGain units. We have
a dozen or so T1's with their TX and RX pairs (NIU <-> CO link) wired on
the same binder as other T1's.

Jim Browne
"Rythmatic, systematic, remote control/magnetic, genetic, to match your soul"
- Pump Up The Volume / M.A.R.R.S.