Re: PM3 and X2 (fwd)

Matthew S. Crocker (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 09:36:49 +0000 (GMT)

> Basically you have *one* choice if you want to support X2 - USR. This
> is deliberate on their part, they are using X2 to strong arm ISPs into
> buying their servers.

And the best thing is, all our competition has gone the way of USR. We
are the only ISP in the area with a PM3. I can guarantee that a Mac user
will not replace his beloved Global Village modem with a USR. We will
support *ALL* non USR/Cardinal modems which IMHO is the majority of modems
in our area.

Plus, the PM3 has a lower latency for packets, A 56k connection to a TC
will be slower than a 56k connection to a PM3.


Matthew S. Crocker - Systems Administration
Crocker Communications				Phone: (413) 587-3350
PO BOX 710					Fax:   (413) 587-3352
Greenfield, MA 01302-0710