Re: your mail

Jake Messinger (
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 11:00:55 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, Captain Scarlet wrote:

> I said nothing about the future, mostly because I have no information
> about it on this subject. I just explained, because I happen to know,
> the circumstances as they stand right now.

My question is meant as a request. You are taking it incorrectly.

> As for future plans and why-nots, I don't make policy. Only reason I
> know as much as I do is because I happen to maintain the Linux machine
> that Eng uses when they compile something.

Then you are not the correct person to respond to this posting.

I posted for a few reasons. First to solicit responses from others who
might like to see in.pmd for linux or bsd, and second, to let the
Livingston people that read this list see that there is an interest for
in.pmd on other platforms.

Id like to see someone who makes those decisions or is involved in that
procedure respond.

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
Houston, Texas

One should not be measured by his/her ascii art ability.