Re: X2 PM2e-30

Sherwood Pekelo (
Sat, 26 Apr 1997 22:38:26 -1000 (HST)

On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, David Davies wrote:

> C'mon guys give me a little credit, sometimes it really is what we think it
> is.
> >What do you actually have connected to the PM2? If you don't have an X2
> >dgital fed modem pool you won't get anything better than a 28.8-33.6k
> >cnnection.
> Yes both ends are X2, sheesh

Kay, MZ went over this, where you need a Digital connection on the server
side.... ISDN line whether BRI or PRI, since I don't think you'd want to
use T1/CT1 in this there even equipment to do it?

> No trunking involved single line that was handling better than 33.6 before.

?? I don't understand what you're saying here... you got higher than
33.6Kbps? If so, using what?

> I was just wondering if anyone had found a good init string for these
> pieces-o-s@#t.

Again, in my note, I think I sent one... lock it to V.34+ setting, usually
something like +MS,11,1,14400,33600 ... unless you do have a server-side
digital connection.

> Certainly not something we're going to be using hard core, just a little
> experiment in agony :-)

well, you started off with USR equipment... ;) should have jump to the
PM3 and waited for K56Flex... though I'd like to hear from someone if BRI
to the USR Imodem to a PM2 does work or not for X2...

> >This is probably because X2 is a farce and is destined to fail. It
> >can only work if your CT1 is trunk side, and there is no more than a
> >single A/D conversion between you and the customer, and even then, I've
> >never heard of anyone successfully getting more than about 40k.

Woah, that's heavy duty... destined to fail? hmm, let's hope so... ;)
irregardless, any 56K technology protocol requires trunk-side CT1 or T1 or
PRI... even PM3s! *gasp* it's inherent in the protocol design... There
have been field-tests with better rates, but heck when I can test it in my
locale, THEN will I believe the throughput.

> We all know X2 will go away or be absorbed just figured since everything
> else was working so good I may as well play around with something...... Ha.

8) play?!?!? gawd, I wish I had time for that... Let's see, BIND is
vulnerable... as is sperl, had to upgrade PINE, stupid MSIEAK has to be
upgraded, *gleep* gotta run the accounting, urk... new PRI has to be
ordered, user has to be talked through how to restart his dialler as he
shutoff the computer in the middle of a session, CMOS died on another
customer's computer, someone wants info on signing up, etc etc etc.... and
this is a Saturday of all days!

