Re: Ascend MAX4048 and MAX4060, What do they cost?

Kevin Smith (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 14:47:41 -0700

At 11:21 PM 4/21/97 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Tim Flavin shaped the electrons to say...
>>This was taken from, does
>>anyone have list prices yet?
>A few users tell me it is priced almost exactly the same as the PM-3...

Slightly less I believe...

>Personally I find it very interesting that the PM-3 has been selling like
>mad and now there are these units from Ascend that are almost identical in
>configuration for about the same price. Someone threatened? ;-)

No, it's called greed...

>>high-density WAN access switches that integrate high-performance digital
>>modems with a router and a remote access server. These high-powered WAN
>I'd like to see the HW stats - I don't see any product info pages up yet on
>these. They sound like a 4002/4004 chassis with two sets of traces
>unpopulated to keep it down to only 2 PRI/T1/E1 connections. It certainly
>would be a fast way to turn them - and would be able to use the same cards.

Almost right...the pages should be there later this week...

>>an architecture that will also meet their growing needs in the future. And
>>with the simple addition of Ascend's Remote Networking Software, the MAX
>Is there a charge for this simple addition?

Yes. It's only required if you want to add multi-protocol routing though...

>>The MAX 4048 has one V.35 and two T1 WAN interfaces and 48 Series56
>>digital modems, while the MAX 4060 has one V.35 and two E1 WAN interfaces
>>and 60 Series56 digital modems. The MAX 4048 and 4060 come standard with
>I wonder how these are? 6 x 8 or 4 x 12? Or even 3 x 16? I presume
>5 x 12 for 60.

3x16 for 48 - leaves 3 open slots...:)

>3 x 16 would probably be the lowest overhead cost - one PCB, etc. Just more
>chips on one card. So that would (all other things being equal) give the
>highest margin. It is what I would do in that case.

...and leaves slots open for ...lets say .... BRI cards ... :)

>Otherwise I would hope it is 4 x 12 - presuming other cards from the MAX line
>work in this unit, having open slots is nice.


>>channelized T1, E1, or ISDN PRI trunk interfaces. Each product supports up
>>to 48 or 60 concurrent access channels that may be comprised of V.34 or 56
>>Kbps analog, 56/64 Kbps Frame Relay, or ISDN BRI. This enables ISDN or
>I wonder if they meant ISDN B channels? Or does it support the BRI S/T
>If it does, then doesn't that reduce the number of modems? And make the PRI
>ports superfluous?

Yes, yes, and no. Why superfluous ? PRI *and* BRI is not unheard of. BRI now
PRI later....etc.

>Also, the PR says this comes with RADIUS - I expect that is their free RADIUS
>and not AAS. And recently on their mailing list they said the free RADIUS
>would not be kept up to RFC spec, that only the commercial server will be.

Actually it refers to the MAX being RADIUS client. The Access Control product
is an optional extra. The free version of course is also supported...

>Also, I believe their firewall filtering code is extra.

Firewall is optional extra, built in filtering is standard...

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