Re: ICMP redirects...opinions..

Matthew S. Crocker (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 09:26:17 +0000 (GMT)

> Isn't this enough as long as the default router knows where to send packets?
> Methinks that's what routers are _made_ for.

Well, you wouldn't want packets to go in the E0 port of you cisco only to
be sent back out the E0 port and on to a Portmaster. That is not very

> > > you either (1) need to have the Cisco redistribute the OSPF routes into
> > > RIP
> What good would that be doing? Besides - if you're such a tough guy to be
> running more than one collision domain on the same medium you could even put
> interface routes on your unix machines and be happy without any routers.
> As a good rule of thumb: Don't put routers (except the one to get outside 8-)
> ) into the LANs of the production machines.

Why? In a switched ethernet environment you can get better performance
that way. Say for example we have a high end, customer only content
server. We want all our users access to this box as quickly as possible.
I would put that box on the same switch as all our portmasters. If I put
a router in between I would only get 10Mbps through the router to the
content server and that also has to fight with all the other customer
traffic. Putting it on a switch is a very smart thing to do. That is a
router (PM's) and a production machine (content server) on the same LAN.

> a stable OS for ix86 based machines" 8-))))) (no religious wars please!).

Yes, do you? ;)

> > That way all the packets have to go through the cisco
> You know, that's what they are made for... 8-)))))

Yep, I know that, its not the most efficient way of doing it or the
cheapest but it will work.


Matthew S. Crocker - Systems Administration
Crocker Communications				Phone: (413) 587-3350
PO BOX 710					Fax:   (413) 587-3352
Greenfield, MA 01302-0710