Re: ICMP redirects...opinions..

Achim Patzner (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 21:36:17 +0200 (MET DST)

> > Since the UN*X boxes now only have their "default route" as the
> > "correct" place to go for your users' IP addresses,

Isn't this enough as long as the default router knows where to send packets?
Methinks that's what routers are _made_ for.

> > you either (1) need to have the Cisco redistribute the OSPF routes into
> > RIP

What good would that be doing? Besides - if you're such a tough guy to be
running more than one collision domain on the same medium you could even put
interface routes on your unix machines and be happy without any routers.

As a good rule of thumb: Don't put routers (except the one to get outside 8-)
) into the LANs of the production machines.

> Do you know of a *stable* OSPF solution for Linux?

What's wrong with gated? I've been running a FreeBSD machine full of
EtherPower^2 and similar interfaces as a central router at one location. It
didn't crash and was always reliable - until I connected a leased analog
line (better: its modem) to it. Maybe the question should be "do you know of
a stable OS for ix86 based machines" 8-))))) (no religious wars please!).

> That way all the packets have to go through the cisco

You know, that's what they are made for... 8-)))))

Achim Patzner