Re: ICMP redirects...opinions..

Stephen Fisher (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 15:03:15 -0600 (MDT)

Not really. It is incorrect to have, say, a server send a packet going to
a user on a Portmaster into the ethernet inteface on a router and then
having the router bounce it back out through the same interface to the
Portmaster. That is why it sends an ICMP Redirect message so the server
knows to send it directly to the Portmaster. Of course, the redirects
could get to be too many. I use OSPF on the Portmasters, Routers and
Servers so they all can open the shortest path (OSPF) between devices.

Routers are made to route packets between different interfaces, not in and
out of the same one(s).

On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Achim Patzner wrote:

> > > Since the UN*X boxes now only have their "default route" as the
> > > "correct" place to go for your users' IP addresses,
> Isn't this enough as long as the default router knows where to send
> packets? Methinks that's what routers are _made_ for.