PM3 and what modems?

Don Lewis (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 14:34:21 -0500 (CDT)

After completing installation on a pm3 with 2 PRI and 6 modem cards
I was surprised and delighted that every call I hit it with was a
success (ISDN and various modems). My PM3's OS is ver 3.5c6.
The first few customers I called to try it called back shortly
saying a no-go for all but one. The good calls were from a
Zoom 14,400 and all others got no connection at all with USR 14,400
sportsters. They report getting a constant modem answer tone until
the modem times out.

I borrowed a USR 14,400 and I can't get it to connect either.
Reading the list I see lots of intimations about USR 14,400 but
no frank answers I can try. What do I do to make my 14,400 USR Sportster

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Don Lewis Jackson, Tennessee
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