Re: BGP memory usage (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 06:12:08 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Achim Patzner shaped the electrons to say...
>Did the Gods tell you this or did you sign an NDA and inspect their code? On

Of course, I *never* talk to Cisco folk, and they'd *never* discuss this
with me...

>the day Livingston is making _real_ routers that have to make their routing
>decisions fast enough to cope with real bandwidth we should talk about this

The PM-3 is more than a match for the low, and even mid, level Cisco boxes.
Just as fast, and it doesn't use half the RAM. Why is that?

We do have Cisco units in the lab for compatibility testing - so we also have
first hand experience.

They *could* have coded it a lot tighter. It would probably get performace
gains, but that is pure speculation on my part of course.


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