Problems with PM3

Tue, 22 Apr 1997 08:48:32 +0000

We receantly went in production with two PM3's running OS 3.5.1b8.
In general we are very pleased with the performance but we do have
some problems with some users. Here is the list, maybe someone can
help us with some of them:

1. Many MAC users with global village modems have a very hard time
negotiating and handshaking.
2. There are many users that are losing connections due to a loss of
3. We have a good number of users using Windows 3.1 with Netscape 2.0
Dialer. This dialer is using Shiva PPP. We are convinced that
something is wrong with this version of their dialer. Actualy let me
rephrase this, we are convinced that this PPP cannot talk with PM3.
4. In our previous setup with analog modems, most of our users were
having connections with very good speeds, now at least 50% of them
cannot achieve this. Speed varies anywhere from 21600 to 26400 for
most of them.
5. Finally, our most serious problem is this strange occurance. User
can be on for some time and than everything stops. There is no
traffic at all. The problem is that this happens randomly, it is
hard to replicate the problem. With some people the symptom is data
flow stops and then slowly starts again, while with some people it
just plain stops, and the only way to get arround it is to disconnect
and reconnect.

Any comments, suggestions, ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you.