Re: PM3 and BGP

Willem Jan Withagen (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 12:38:17 +0200 (MET DST)

You ( Jeffrey J. Mountin ) write:
=> >> And thus I'm very suprissed to read here that an IRX has performance
=> >> problems with 2 T1's.
=> >
=> >I've heard similar things about Cisco 2501s.
=> Really? I had a problem with moderate traffic on an IRX-114, which is why
=> I switched to a 2501 and it handles it. Still I need a bigger router, as I
=> don't plan to try BGP on a 2501. Besides it won't take the ATM card I'll
=> be needing in the next few months.

Our current IRX pushes 1Mbit with a moderate filter easily, so I have no
opinion of my own on this subject. But before throwing mud, and/or money,
in any direction, I'd like to 'some prove' of the claimed 'facts'.


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