Re: Problems with PM3

Sherwood Pekelo (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 18:38:22 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 22 Apr 1997 djanjic@NS.ROCKBRIDGE.NET wrote:

> We receantly went in production with two PM3's running OS 3.5.1b8.
> In general we are very pleased with the performance but we do have
> some problems with some users. Here is the list, maybe someone can
> help us with some of them:
> 1. Many MAC users with global village modems have a very hard time
> negotiating and handshaking.

try setting their baud rates a level lower...

> 2. There are many users that are losing connections due to a loss of
> carrier.

8) hard to say...

> 3. We have a good number of users using Windows 3.1 with Netscape 2.0
> Dialer. This dialer is using Shiva PPP. We are convinced that
> something is wrong with this version of their dialer. Actualy let me
> rephrase this, we are convinced that this PPP cannot talk with PM3.

Need to run debug while they are trying to connect to see what's

> 4. In our previous setup with analog modems, most of our users were
> having connections with very good speeds, now at least 50% of them
> cannot achieve this. Speed varies anywhere from 21600 to 26400 for
> most of them.

That's connect speed, what is the actual feel and throughput? Majority of
our users claim to 1) transfer seem faster 2) connects faster.

> 5. Finally, our most serious problem is this strange occurance. User
> can be on for some time and than everything stops. There is no
> traffic at all. The problem is that this happens randomly, it is
> hard to replicate the problem. With some people the symptom is data
> flow stops and then slowly starts again, while with some people it
> just plain stops, and the only way to get arround it is to disconnect
> and reconnect.

I have the feeling that netbeiu (sp?) is the cause of this... when more
than one person logs in with computer/workgroup or whatever it is for
their network settings, when someone else logs in after they 'hijack' the
session. Reason for this thought is that I just set up 2 Compac 1070
laptops one after the other. The first was working beautifully, then
while I started on the second and dialed in with that one, the first lost
the DNS server. Taking out the Netbeiu and IPX/SPX allowed both to work
at the same time. Since these were customers waiting for their machines I
couldn't trouble-shoot further.

Yeah, normally I automagically disable all netbeiu and IPX/SPX off the
bat, but I was feeling rushed.

Anyhow, forward your info to or call them to get a
trouble ticket started...

