Re: PM3 Cards (fwd)

Stephen Fisher (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 21:59:55 -0600 (MDT)

Why are the BRI cards so far away / if ever? It can't be that hard to
design it. Of course, Livingston has enough things to do right now to keep
them busy 24 hours a day for a few years.

I should go make my own terminal server in my garage.. haha :)

On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Christopher Hicks wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Ryan Mooney wrote:
> > > Yes it is true, but we don't discuss dates one unreleased products.
> >
> > My soul for BRI cards...
> That's a good ways off (if ever) according to well-places sources. :-)
> Sniffle. ( Of course now that you've offered your soul I'm sure the devil
> will provide the livingston engineers with a few helpful hints! Maybe LE
> will adopt the BSD logo? LOL. )
> </chris>
> Any chance of those paper cups and string being upgraded to tin cans
> and wire? Or as a coworker has said . . . I've seen better throughput
> from a pair of gorillas and flash cards. -Jon Lewis <>