Re: Lots of K56Flex deployment questions

Joe Sasek (
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 13:59:56 -0700 (PDT)

>Thank you very much for the quality response. I think I have a better
>understanding now of the new product.
>To clarify one last point. I believe I understand that Livingston will
>use their existing analog modem code and incorporate just "The 56K
>Modulation Code" from lucent.

All of the code is Lucent (not just 56K) again its flattering to think that
you believe Livingston's modem code could be of better quality of Ma Bell
ie.. Lucent!

>If this is correct then one of my greatest fears is put to rest. I was
>concerned that the entire modem code was being replaced, and as such we
>would be back at the starting gate, like the inital release of of OS for
>the PM3.

This definately does not put us "back at the starting gate". Lucent (AT&T)
ship millions of V.34 modem DSP's and have tons of interoperability
experience in the modem arena. If we didn't believe this could offer a step
up in quality from what we have today then we'd likely not pursue this
alternative. This will be released _when_ we know it _is_ a better performer
than even our current solution.

>We did have some PPP and other assorted problems with the first
>release of the code (Some of our normal users could not handshake
>properly/would connect but did not have routing etc), but as we only had a
>small pool of testers working with us on that new code, it was not a
>serious situation. Those problems were cleared up and the PM3's have
>served us well.
>I do expect some problems/changes in the K56Flex code as it is put to the
>test, but did not want to face problems with our normal modem users.

We'll do everything within our control to assure that what gets released is
a transparent solution from your customers perspective.

>Again, thanks for the quality answer and this reafirms my decision to
>stick with the Livingston product.

Your welcome! and Thanks!



>Regards, > >Steve Haynes >CEO ExisNet, Inc. >1-757-552-1009 ================================================================== Livingston Enterprises, Inc. Joe Sasek 4464 Willow Road V.P. Sales & Marketing Pleasanton, CA 94588 (800) 458-9966 (510) 426-0770 Phone (510) 426-8951 Fax ==================================================================